Hot Pockets - E3 Snack Bites Activation
Social / Event Activation
To promote Snack Bites to Hot Pocket’s gamer-centric audience, we created a first-of-its-kind Snapchat game told through the eyes of a cyber-punk hero, Max Melter.
He navigated the floors of E3, feeding famished attendees, fighting battles against unsuspecting foes, all while interacting with Snapchat fans along the way.
Cross-Channel Social Promotion
We promoted the Snapchat game on other social channels with fake game box art, complete with a QR Snapcode, driving fans to the experience.
Recap Video
In order to leverage the Snapchat experience on other social channels, we created a recap video wrapped in hyperbole and fake video game reviews.

Hot Pockets - Hot Social 🔥
Social / Social Strategy
It was no surprise that research revealed that gamers were big fans of Hot Pockets, so we developed a social strategy that heavily leaned into that audience. Below is a taste of some of that content.